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Category Archives: Loaves & Fishes Blog

It’s Hard to Focus When You’re Hungry

Katlyn Denise is 4-years-old. Recently, she came with her mom, Etta-Marie, to the Loaves & Fishes food pantry at Holy Comforter Episcopal Church to shop for food for their family.   Etta-Marie and her children became homeless after she lost her job. She currently works as a bus drive for Charlotte Area Transportation Services (CATS), […]

Hidden Hunger: Elizabeth’s Story

A growing number of college students can’t make ends meet. One local student often has to go without food while studying for exams and holding down a job. For her, Loaves & Fishes is a life saver. Elizabeth’s family has no idea she is hungry and she wants to keep it that way. Elizabeth is […]

The Genesis of A Much Bigger Movement

President George H. W. Bush delivered the call to service in his inauguration speech in 1989 and reinforced the idea often during his presidency.  “We can find meaning and reward by serving some higher purpose than ourselves, a shining purpose, the illumination of a Thousand Points of Light.. . . We all have something to […]

Where Do We Go From Here to Fight Poverty In Charlotte?

Charlotte will become a better, kinder city only if we make it that way.  We have choices to make. The Opportunity Task Force is no more.  The next incarnation, at least website-wise, is LeadingOnOpportunity.org, and this is where you go to read the report of the Opportunity Task Force findings and recommendations.  The comments in […]

We’re All In This Together

This month, Tina Postel and I attended the Anti-Hunger Policy Conference in Washington, DC. Together with 1,300 hunger fighters from all 50 states, we shared information, best practices and concerns, especially over future funding of child hunger programs.  With a delegation from N.C., Tina and I spent a morning on Capitol Hill advocating on behalf […]

I AM A DENTED CAN… Confessions of a Flawed Giver

I have participated in numerous food drives in my lifetime prior to working at Loaves & Fishes.  My standard operating procedure whenever my kids’ school, local boy scout troop, letter carrier or church was in need of food was to scour through my pantry to donate the cans of my least favorite items collecting dust […]

My First 60 Days Onboard at Loaves & Fishes

By Tina Postel I have spent the last 60 days learning my new role as Executive Director at Loaves & Fishes. I have met with literally hundreds of dedicated community citizens including staff members, board members, pantry coordinators, volunteers and other community leaders and advocates committed to feeding the hungry.  I have toured Loaves & […]

“No food…for your kids? That is the scariest.” – Leonisa’s Story

Leonisa Adams is amazing. As a Loaves & Fishes pantry volunteer, she helps clients choose groceries for their families. Walking through the pantry together, they often share stories of their struggles. She tells me that fear of judgement is an issue when asking for help. “You already feel ‘less than’ when you walk in the […]

Putting Together My Wish List – A Word From Beverly Howard

After 28 years as Executive Director of Loaves & Fishes, I am retiring at the end of this week. When I informed the Board of Directors last summer, the year looked endless. Now it is down to days. I wanted to leave you with my hopes and dreams for Loaves & Fishes in the coming years. […]

A Volunteer For Life

Every Wednesday morning, Sue Gooley arises at 6:30 a.m., hops in the shower, has breakfast, and arrives at the Holy Comforter pantry by 8:50. She sweeps the floor of the entire work area, then hustles around doing whatever needs to be done. Gooley is 94 years old. She looks 20 years younger, is full of […]