Loaves Fishes/Friendship Trays is now Nourish Up! Please visit our new website nourishup.org

Once Upon A Time

ONCE UPON A TIME, in a land not so far away….a newspaper reporter wrote a story about the rising number of hungry people and the declining amount of food Loaves & Fishes had to feed them. And in that same land, a very benevloent man and his wife read that story and wanted to help. They presented Loaves & Fishes with a challenge – they would match donations up to $50,000!

Sounds like a fairy tale doesn’t it? But it is as real as the needs of the 126,000 people Loaves & Fishes provided food for in 2012. As real as the words written by Charlotte Observer reporter Mark Price. As real as the extremely generous and caring hearts of Leon and Sandra Levine and their Foundation. In ten days, more than $73,000 was donated to help Loaves & Fishes feed hungry people in our community.

And thus it came to pass that there was food in the warehouse and on pantry shelves to provide hot breakfasts, nutritious lunches and wholesome dinners for all those referred to Loaves & Fishes that winter.