Category Archives: Our Stories
“I have to decide on paying bills or buying fewer groceries.” – Loaves & Fishes/Friendship Trays Pregnancy Referral Program
“I have to decide on paying bills or buying fewer groceries.” Silvia, a mother of five, says it’s been a struggle at times to afford groceries. With the newest addition to her family, 2-week-old Elsa, and her children out of school for the summer, she needs more food to provide more meals at home. Silvia […]
Where Does Your Treasure Lie? For One Little Girl It’s In a Hotel Cabinet.
By Guest Blogger Marilyn Marks. Last week I accompanied the mother of a family of five to a Loaves & Fishes pantry. The mother was quiet and thankful that the food was there. Her family lives in a hotel room with a microwave and stove top but no oven. Still she smiled when she saw cans […]
A Holiday Madhouse (for which we are #grateful)!
On a rainy morning one week before Thanksgiving, three SUVs and a pickup pulled up to the back door of the Holy Comforter pantry. Workers from Mayer Brown, a global law firm with a Charlotte office, unloaded 3,000 lbs of food, while Loaves & Fishes volunteers scrambled to get it all in grocery carts. It […]
Is This News Good or Bad or Maybe Both?
It was two days before Thanksgiving, almost time for the pantry to close. The volunteers had served 39 families already that day, with one lone client still shopping. So it was quiet and a good time to talk to a reporter looking for a story. The first question is always “How many people has Loaves […]
Bedbugs Were Not in the Budget
When living on a very tight budget, you never know what might be the one thing that pushes you into crisis. For Brenda, it came from an unexpected source, summer camp. Last June, her twin boys came home from camp with lots of great memories and sleeping bags infested with bed bugs! Everything had to […]
What You Have Will Be Enough
Beverly Howard shared the following remarks upon receiving the 2013 Community Leader Award from Mecklenburg Ministries at their annual breakfast. So many were inspired by her words that we wanted to share them with you. I lived in 8 states and attended 12 schools in 12 years growing up. I had no sense of what community […]
Bright Shining Faces
I had the pleasure of seeing my 9 year old granddaughter off to her first day of 4th grade this morning. She got up at 6 a.m. with no complaint, dressed herself all in pink, except for her brown cowgirl boots of course, and sat down to pancakes, bacon and orange juice. She was so […]
Happy Birthday to You, Me, Us and We….
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO WE. (Birthday song for twins – Sung to trad. tune) I am old enough not to get too excited about birthdays – after all it seems like they come just weeks apart. And they tend to veer towards being festivals instead of days. […]
Full Disclosure
It happened again. This time I was being shown around a church by the Associate Pastor. She was showing me their food pantry – a small space but with a very good assortment of food available. As we were talking about feeding the hungry she said “I need to make a full disclosure”. I should […]
Summer Shopping: What’s In Your Cart?
Welcome our guest blogger Anslee Boozer. A rising sophomore and communications major at Furman University, Anslee is interning with Loaves & Fishes this summer. We are delighted that Anslee will be writing blogs for us throughout the summer. We are so lucky to have her! The next time you push your cart through the aisles […]