Loaves Fishes/Friendship Trays is now Nourish Up! Please visit our new website nourishup.org

While It’s Not Extreme Couponing….

Coordinating the work of 19 food pantries has a lot in common with running any household. We feed thousands of people instead of a single family, but the economics are very similar. Grocery and transportation prices are up and requests for help continue. We at Loaves & Fishes do what we all do at home: look for ways to stretch every penny. The Loaves & Fishes staff has dedicated a significant amount of time this summer to doing just that.

In addition to food drives, we are now purchasing more food in bulk in order to meet the growing need. We purchase from area grocery stores, wholesale food vendors and food banks. We were able to expand our warehouse space last spring, making it possible to take advantage of every good food price we find – and purchase in advance.

We strive to be good stewards of the donations we receive. We continue to look for the best prices on food and analyze the work of our organization to make sure we are providing the most effective and efficient help to those who need it.