Loaves Fishes/Friendship Trays is now Nourish Up! Please visit our new website nourishup.org

Change Gets Personal

After having our administrative offices housed in St. Luke’s Lutheran Church for 23 years we have moved to new offices in our expanded warehouse space. I’ve been surprised at how hard change is in so many ways. It’s ironic because I have spent the better part of the last year telling our pantry volunteers that change is good. I find it not quite so good when it gets personal.

The move is unquestionably the best decision for Loaves & Fishes. We are already seeing time savings, as well as being more efficient with our whole operation under one roof. Personally it was gut wrenching for me (even though it was my idea to move!) 23 years in the same office space – who has that kind of luxury these days? I spent my first 18 years constantly being uprooted – 12 schools in 12 years. Since landing in Charlotte in 1975 I have put down deep roots – same church for 37 years, same house for the past 28 years, same job for 24 years!

I have always said we like change when it is our idea, or somehow benefits us. But I wonder at the amount of stress producing change Loaves & Fishes clients have to deal with every day. Never knowing if the next paycheck will cover all the needs, sometimes not knowing where the next meal for the kids will come from. Really puts my discomfort into perspective.