Loaves Fishes/Friendship Trays is now Nourish Up! Please visit our new website nourishup.org

“When the song of the angel is stilled…..The work of Christmas begins: To find the lost, To heal the broken, To feed the hungry,…”

I’ve seen this quote from Howard Thurmond a lot lately.  After our yearly orgy of excess in December, too much activity, food, shopping, you fill in the blank, January is relevantly empty.  Putting away Christmas decorations gives us a moment to appreciate simpler surroundings.  The suddenly vacant spots on the calendar give us time to regroup mentally and physically.  And yet, now is when Thurmond says the real work of Christmas occurs.  We get back in our routines, we make resolutions to do better in the coming year. 

I hope your resolutions for the New Year include some of the work of Christmas.  The lost, the broken, and the hungry are with us year round.  Not just when the weather is cold and bells are being rung in front of every store.  Loaves & Fishes provides food for families in January, June and July, as well as between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  We have learned to our sorrow that hunger never takes a holiday.