Loaves Fishes/Friendship Trays is now Nourish Up! Please visit our new website nourishup.org

A Full Barn

When I moved to Charlotte 37 years ago I joined a church that was “out in the country.”  The membership was mostly farmers and I learned a lot of new expressions from them.  One of my favorites was “A fat wife and a full barn never did a farmer harm.”  I especially identify with that old saying now that we are in the process of gathering in the amazing abundance of food that has been donated in the last two weeks.

The Mecklenburg Council of the Boy Scouts of America has blown past any goal they might have set for themselves.  Initial totals from this year’s Scouting for Food were over 255,000 pounds!  That’s a 68% increase from their total of 175,000 pounds collected last year.

Hard working Scouts and a generous community have filled our warehouse with much needed food.  Will it last forever?  No, but for this winter it will remind our hungry neighbors that they are not forgotten.