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Have Yourself a ?????? Little Christmas

Christmas for me is always influenced by what else is going on in my life.  Last year Christmas was all but lost.  A very dear friend was in a serious car accident the week after Thanksgiving and was in the hospital or rehab until February.  It was a depressing holiday at best.

This year is going to be remembered as the speediest Christmas in years.  One of the ways I deal with the commercial craziness of Christmas is to be in total denial until after Thanksgiving.  This year with less than four weeks between the holidays seems more crazed than usual.

But no matter what year, Loaves & Fishes is bombarded with activity in December:  Record numbers of families needing help, media calling looking for that “feel good” holiday story, and countless donors sending money and food.

While speaking with a reporter this week – who was focused on Christmas – I found myself saying “The Christmas work of Loaves & Fishes extends far beyond Dec. 25.”  May it be so in our hearts as well as our hands.