Loaves Fishes/Friendship Trays is now Nourish Up! Please visit our new website nourishup.org

Doubling Down Your Donation for Our Community – Meet Genesis and See How Your Dollars Help

Genesis entered her first year of middle school virtually this year. She recently arrived at a Loaves & Fishes mobile pantry with her family. They were there to pick up a week’s worth of nutritious groceries, having heard about Loaves & Fishes through friends. Before the pandemic, Genesis’ mom was a working mother. This summer, she was laid off because the company where she worked was forced to close due to the economic impacts of the COVID-19. Now she is unable to work and is finding it difficult to make ends meet. They were relieved to find Loaves & Fishes, where they know they can count on their next meal, and Genesis can focus on school work with a full belly.

Lori & Eric Sklut have doubled down on their gift this year! Last year, Mr. & Mrs. Sklut gave $25,000 to help feed our neighbors in need in Mecklenburg Co. This year, in response to the struggles that we face as a community, they are doubling their match to $50,000! When you donate by January 31, 2021, your donation to Loaves & Fishes will be matched through the Levine-Sklut Family Foundation. Please consider doubling down on your gift to feed even more hungry neighbors this year!

Lori & Eric Sklut have matched your dollars in past years. Would you like to double down on your gift this year and help families like Genesis’?

Donate Here!