Loaves Fishes/Friendship Trays is now Nourish Up! Please visit our new website nourishup.org

Double Your Impact and Help Feed Twice as Many Hungry Neighbors in Need

Can you imagine the stress of worrying if there will be enough food to feed your child?
Marissel and her little boy Yeshua, recently shopped for a week’s worth of groceries at Loaves & Fishes. They’ve been struggling to pay bills while her husband was been between jobs. Money saved from having to buy groceries will help pay the rent.

“This litte bit of extra help means I won’t have the stress of worry.”

Your gifts put nutritionally balanced groceries into homes like Marissel and Yeshua’s, making it possible for them to prepare and share meals together. Through a network of over 30 pantries, families in crisis won’t go hungry.
Now, you can double that impact! Through January 31st, a gift to Loaves & Fishes will be matched dollar for dollar by Lori & Eric Sklut up to $25,000!
Make your support will go twice as far!