Blessings of Simple Joys
Over this past summer my six year old granddaughter discovered one of the simple joys of life. Every Saturday morning we snap a mess of beans together. She has become quite adept at spotting the longest and fattest bean – much more fun than short and skinny. She inspects each bean for brown spots and delights when the “threads” zip down the bean unbroken. And if a tender little bean escapes the pod, well it needs to be eaten on the spot.
Sometimes this follows an early morning trip to the farmer’s market where she carefully chooses each bean as I shove handfuls into the bag, anxious to get on to the tomatoes and squash, peaches and melons. Whether the beans come directly from the farmers market or our local food store, she and I carry on a timeless tradition. Choosing, preparing, cooking and sharing our food.
There is much talk right now about food insecurity. The ability for folks to know where their next meal is coming from let alone what that meal will be made of. Loaves & Fishes is in the food security business. One of the great joys of working with Loaves & Fishes is watching parents leaving a pantry with a generous grocery cart of food. Knowing that they will be able to share the same pleasures I have with my granddaughter, choosing, preparing, cooking and sharing food.