Loaves Fishes/Friendship Trays is now Nourish Up! Please visit our new website nourishup.org

You Can Help Ensure That No Child, Like Matthew, Goes to School Hungry

We met seven-year-old Matthew not long before he started back to school in August. He had come with his mom Christine to a Loaves & Fishes pantry for a week’s worth of groceries.

In addition to Matthew and his siblings, Christine and her husband are taking care of her brother’s 1-year-old while he serves in Afghanistan. Her husband works full time but wages are low so they struggle to make ends meet. As she says, “We’re low-income parents.”

Christine, Matthew and his older brother Adam

It can be hard to explain to the children. “Children don’t understand. When they look in the cupboard and it’s empty, they don’t understand.” she says.

Christine was referred to Loaves & Fishes for help. When she arrived at the pantry located at Holy Comforter Episcopal Church, she was greeted by volunteers who helped her shop for groceries – a week’s worth for each member of the family. In addition to canned goods, cereal and pastas, Christine was able to choose fresh meat, eggs, yogurt, cheese, produce and bread. She tells us that she knows how to economize, that she can make four meals off of one box of spaghetti.

Christine says they wouldn’t make it without Loaves & Fishes. She was quick to point out the gratitude she feels for the volunteers. “The volunteers talk to people and show such care and compassion.”

The school year has started and Matthew is back at his school here in Mecklenburg County. Please help us ensure that he, nor any other child goes to school hungry.

Your donation to Loaves & Fishes will provide groceries for families in need and help give children, like Matthew, a successful school year.

Donate today!