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Where Are My Perspectacles?

Facebook is not just for sharing pictures of children/grandchildren/pets! It can also be the introduction to fascinating websites that only my friends seem to know about. Following a link last evening I discovered a fabulous blog about seeing what’s around us with Perspectacles – a cross between spectacles and perspective.

The blog was about discovering the miracle of looking at the author’s old, dated kitchen with new eyes. Her mismatched appliances became magic machines that preserve and prepare food – wonderful, nutritious food that billions of people around the world only dream of providing for their children. And that outdated faucet – miraculous source of unlimited, clean drinking water. And that cluttered counter full of school work – with perspectacles you can see the free education and opportunities it represents.

As I mentally prepare myself for the orgy of consumerism that is about to engulf the world as I know it, I hope I can keep my perspectacles handy.