Loaves Fishes/Friendship Trays is now Nourish Up! Please visit our new website nourishup.org

Up On Whose Rooftop?

A co-worker likes to tell about one of her children who questioned why they were filling a shoebox for Samaritan’s Purse. “Why doesn’t Santa bring toys to poor kids?” Why indeed. I expect in the midst of the sheer overindulgence of this holiday season there are a lot of poor kids wondering – why me? Why can’t I have the latest electronics and toys that I see advertised everywhere? And their parents are probably wondering “Why can’t I give my kids the Christmas I’d love them to have?”

At Loaves & Fishes we see parents who are less concerned with giving toys and gifts to their children, than with basic food to feed them. With record cold temperatures and children home for Christmas break, the necessities of life take priority.

Makes me wonder what my own priorities are – another over-the-top gift for my well-provided for granddaughter, or a check to Loaves & Fishes so that the child who sits next to her in school will have a hot meal at home while school is out.