Loaves Fishes/Friendship Trays is now Nourish Up! Please visit our new website nourishup.org

Lighting Up Eyes at Thanksgiving

It’s almost here – the holiday that says FOOD like no other.  At Christmas food is just part of the festivities.  But at Thanksgiving, dinner is everything.  Years ago I was helping in a pantry when a little boy, about 5 years old, looked at me and asked “Is that whole turkey for my family?”  I thought about my kids who were about that age and took a turkey at Thanksgiving to be part of their birthright.  This little boy’s eyes lit up when I said certainly it was all for his family.

One of the best, but least appreciated, aspects of Loaves & Fishes is that we give food to people to take home and prepare in their own kitchen.  The satisfaction of sitting at your own table, no matter how small or crowded, and serving food you have prepared to your family is immense.  And from a child’s eyes, it doesn’t matter where the food came from – as long as it includes a whole turkey!