Loaves Fishes/Friendship Trays is now Nourish Up! Please visit our new website nourishup.org

How Sweet the Sound

We often say at Loaves & Fishes that we don’t expect folks to say thanks when we give them food. Sometimes the current crisis in their lives obscures everything else, sometimes it’s just too hard to acknowledge that they are in a place they never expected to be. But when someone does say thanks it is always appreciated.

A client came into one of our food pantries and was so overcome with gratitude she couldn’t speak, but she could sing. She took her food out to her car and returned to the pantry, dropped down on her knees, and sang a beautiful a cappella rendition of Amazing Grace. Giving voice to her thanks brought tears to the eyes of all who were present. A simple, humble, and priceless moment in which true communication occurred. How sweet indeed.