Loaves Fishes/Friendship Trays is now Nourish Up! Please visit our new website nourishup.org

Flying Turkeys

We never get through Thanksgiving week at Loaves & Fishes without someone quoting the classic television comedy WKRP In Cincinnati, “As God is my witness I thought turkeys could fly.” Well at Loaves & Fishes, they do fly. They fly into the pantries and out just as fast.

This is traditionally the busiest week of the year for us. Thanksgiving is all about a meal – no thanksgiving dinner – no Thanksgiving. So our pantries are flooded with needy families, our phones ring constantly with calls from folks either needing help, or wanting to help. It’s chaos, glorious and mind boggling, and probably not that different in feeling from the very first Thanksgiving. Will there be enough? How many people are coming? What will we do if we run short? Look at all the food people are willing to share!

With need up and resources down, we are especially “Thankful” for all who find time during their busy holidays to help Loaves & Fishes feed the hungry. Whether it’s a check, a frozen turkey or a few hours of time volunteered, we couldn’t do it without you.