Loaves Fishes/Friendship Trays is now Nourish Up! Please visit our new website nourishup.org

After Two Years, First Pantry Reopens For Client Choice Shopping

After two long years – we are finally able to welcome clients back for client choice shopping! Our food pantry at First Presbyterian Church uptown is the first of our brick-and-mortar pantries to reopen since March 2020.

Clients can once again shop for a week’s worth of nutritious groceries, choosing the items they know their family will like. As Carnikya shares, “It feels wonderful”.  She was able to choose her 3-year-old son his favorite cereal.


“There’s no better way to say it than to say it feels like coming home.  Home, after a long, dark journey.  Home to a welcoming atmosphere with smiling faces ready to help a fellow neighbor in need,” says Loaves & Fishes/Friendship Trays CEO Tina Postel.  This return to “client choice” shopping puts the love, dignity and human connection back into our grocery bags.”

This return to “client choice” shopping puts the love, dignity and human connection back into our grocery bags.










Diane Carey serves as Coordinator for the pantry at First Presbyterian Church. She shared what a positive experience it is to provide options for people. “The opportunity to shop and have healthy foods to choose from is so important.”