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Historian Tom Hanchett: Why Charlotte is not Home Sweet Home for Everyone

Reminder!  No UNITY this week due to the holiday, but we will meet on Thursday July 11th when our speaker will be noted Charlotte historian Tom Hanchett.  Tom will talk to us about aspects of Charlotte’s past that continue to influence the city we know today, especially the practice of “redlining” loans.  You have heard about the book the Color of Law, perhaps even read it.  Learn more about the enduring effects redlining continues to have on segregation, education and affordable housing in Charlotte.

UNITY meets (usually) on the first Thursday of the month at 9am at St. John’s Baptist Church, 300 Hawthorne Lane.  Coffee is ready at 8:30am.  There is plenty of parking behind the church.  You can enter the parking lot from Hawthorne or 5th Street.  Go the doors labeled “Main Entrance”.  If you cannot get in, call my cell—704-576-1054.   We are in the first room on the left on the hall on the right.  “The Lounge.”

Please spread the word!  Everyone interested in this topic is welcome!