Loaves Fishes/Friendship Trays is now Nourish Up! Please visit our new website nourishup.org

Meet Layla

Seven-year old Layla wants to be an actress, a police officer … “no, wait, a construction worker.” She is bubbling with exuberance while her mom Kimberly shops at the Loaves & Fishes pantry at Greater Salem Church.

Layla, her teen brother and mom just moved out of Charlotte Family Housing into their first home the very day they visited Loaves & Fishes. Even though Kimberly works full time, the transition brought about many expenses which depleted funds she set aside for groceries.

“One of my favorite parts of the whole experience is being able to shop. As a lover of food I was able to find healthy choices such as, raw almond butter, quinoa, and chia seeds to name a few …

But my most favorite part is meeting the wonderful people who run the pantries. They are so warm and caring and I am treated with the utmost dignity and respect.”

– Kimberly, single mom of Layla, age 7 and teen son

“A week of your lunch money goes a long way in feeding a family”


The average person spends $50 on lunch out every week. Your lunch money will feed families like Layla’s.

Invest in a child today by donating to Loaves & Fishes